Defeating a Gigant provides an Astral Flower which adds +10 CP to your current total so they’ll provide a fairly sufficient boost to your healing capacity and spell casting.
To find the free roaming ones on the map, simply open it and look for a red icon.

You need to return and then seek them out (with some also being tied to sub-quests). It’s worth noting that many Gigants aren’t available when first visiting an area. There are 20 in total and these are essentially bosses roaming in each realm which are tougher than regular monsters. Gigants – Elite Monsters are referred to as Gigants.Every Owl you collect will provide a new outfit piece for your characters to wear. There are 38 Owls to collect in total but you need to collect 32, and then visit the Owl King in the Owl Forest to unlock and find the remaining six. If a perch is denoted as “full”, then this means you’ve found all of the Owls in that region. You’ll find Owls seated in different colored trees, which corresponds to the realms they’ve been found in. A nice way to keep track of those collected is to go to the Owl Forest (which opens up after accessing Nevia Snowplains). Collected Owls are indicated by a white icon on the world map. Usually the Owl will be fairly close so they’re hard to miss. You won’t miss any of them and after defeating the first Lord, Rinwell’s friend Hootle unlocks an ability that informs you when an Owl is nearby. Owls – Owls are, as the name indicates, owls.Let’s start by looking at each collectible type. Aside from 100 percent completion and earning all of the Trophies and Achievements, you don’t need to get all of them. But keep in mind that much of this is optional. We’ll go over what each does along with how many there are. There are Owls, Astral Flowers, Fish, Recipes and Artifacts to find along with Gigants to slay. Like many role-playing games, Tales of Arise has quite a number of collectibles to locate in its various realms.